यहाँ पर हम आपको इनकम from other sources means ऐसी income जो direct income बी कह सकते है जैसे की bank interet , Share Dividend ,Bank Share Dividend ,Fixed Deposite Interest , उसको income from other sources कहते है.
Income Tax on Income from Other Sources
Income from Other Sources:
Income from other sources is one of the five heads of income that the
Income Tax Act, 1961 broadly classifies income under. This category
includes earnings which can’t be accounted for under any of the other
heads of income viz. Income from Salary, Income from House Property,
Profits and Gains from Business or Profession and Income from Capital
All taxable income under this head is calculated according to the
accounting method the assessee follows viz. accrual or cash basis. The
exceptions to this are dividend and interest income i.e. whatever the
accounting method, assessees will have to declare and pay tax on
dividend and interest earned during the previous year.
The nature of income earned will decide whether income has to be
shown under this head. However, there are some standard inclusions as
outlined below.
- Dividends: Income by way of dividend is shown under this head. Deemed dividend as under section 2(22)(e) is fully taxable as is dividend from co-operative societies and foreign companies. Dividend not chargeable to tax includes dividends exempt U/S 10(34) i.e. dividend from Indian companies, dividend liable to corporate dividend tax, income on mutual fund units or income from UTI unit holder.
- Winnings: This includes winnings over Rs.10,000 from lotteries, puzzles, races, games and all forms of gambling and betting. E.g. card games, horse races, game shows etc.
- Interest received: All interest income earned in the previous year (on compensation/enhanced compensation) is taxable. However, 50% of this income can be claimed as deduction.
- Incomes not declared under the head ‘Profits and Gains of Business or Profession’: This includes contributions made to an employer’s employee welfare fund, interest earned on securities, rental income from furniture, plant and machinery (including building where it cannot be let out separately), keyman insurance policy proceeds.
- Gifts: Taxable gifts are declared under this head by individuals and HUFs. This includes monetary or non-monetary items received without any consideration or without adequate consideration. Non-monetary gifts include all immovable property and certain movable property.
Gifts are taxed only if the total amount received during the previous
year is more than Rs.50,000 and applies only to those gifts individuals
or HUFs received after Oct.1st 2009. This doesn’t apply if the assessee receives money
- from relatives or a local authority or a trust, fund, educational/medical institution, body or any such institution outlined under section 10(23C) and section 12AA
- as a wedding gift
- by way of being named in a Will or as inheritance
- from a dying donor
Gifts include monetary gifts, immovable property and specified property.
Monetary gifts - sums of money received without any consideration or without adequate consideration.
Immovable property as gifts - Property value will be the stamp duty
value. Inadequate consideration will be if the property value is lower
than stamp duty value.
Specific movable property - Property here are shares, jewellery,
securities, paintings, archaeological collections, sculptures and
drawings and other artwork. As of 1st June 2010, bullion also forms a
part of this list. Property value will be the fair market value.
Inadequate consideration is when property value is below fair market
Gifts from relatives means gifts from the assessee’s
- parents, parents’ brothers or sisters (i.e. aunts, uncles)
- any lineal predecessor/successor
- brother, sister; brothers’ or sisters’ spouses (i.e. brothers or sisters- in-law)
- spouse, spouse’s parents (i.e. in-laws), spouse’s brothers or sisters (i.e. brothers or sisters- in-law), spouse’s lineal predecessor/successor and their brothers or sisters.
Calculating IT Tax on Income from Other Sources with Example:
- Mr. Shah earned Rs.50,000 in dividends from trading in shares during the previous year. He asked his son-in-law Kabir how to include it in his tax returns. Kabir asks for a list of the companies whose shares Mr. Shah has bought. When he goes through this list, he finds that his father-in-law has invested in shares of Indian companies only. He finds favour with his father-in-law by telling him that the dividends he earned are not chargeable to tax, being dividends from a domestic company.
- Mr. Shah also earned Rs.1 lakh as interest from fixed deposits held at various banks. Kabir tells him he will have to show the amount under ‘income from other sources’ which will add to his taxable income.
- Kabir’s wife asks him whether she will have to pay tax on money given to her during the previous year from guests at their wedding. Kabir tells her not to worry since monetary gifts received during weddings are exempt from tax. Even gifts received from relatives after the wedding on various occasions are exempt.
- However, a generous neighbour and long-time family friend presented them a cheque of Rs.60,000 on the birth of their first son. This would be chargeable to tax.
- Kabir’s wife then enquires about the jewellery set her neighbour had presented to her on successful completion of her medical degree. It cost her close to Rs.1 lakh. He calms her worried nerves by reminding her that she graduated in the year 2008 and tax on gifts only apply to those received after Oct.1st 2009.
- Similarly, they didn’t have to be worried about the money left to them by Kabir’s favourite uncle who passed away the previous year since it came to them by way of their uncle’s Will.
These examples serve to highlight how tax rules regarding income tax
from other sources are to be understood. The key elements are the type
of income, the source of income, when the income was received and the
amount of income received. By deciphering these elements, it becomes
easy to figure out how to treat income from other sources.
For better understanding of what is residual income to be included
under this head, it is useful to first understand income that is
accounted for under the other heads of income. Tax rules and exemptions
have to be understood in totality and not isolated for proper
computation. Also, filing of returns, which can be done online, will
require an assessee to follow a proper format and process for accurate
calculation and submission or returns.
In the event of excess tax being filed, assessees have the option to
receive a refund from the government by submitting duly filled forms in
the required manner.
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